Sunday, October 27, 2013

Hate Games By Asma Anjum

Dark clouds gather Choking smoke fumes We run for cover as they howl He is coming, he is coming. Ears have gone blind and minds are frozen He is the one they say who has played the perfect development orgy [A stripped emperor smiling at his ‘new’ clothes? ] Never mind we have the lowest human development index Carcasses , cadavers, skeletons too, are now vexed [For his fear they don’t tumble out now from the closet! ] He rode here this far Calling us all Miyan Bhai Musharrafs, Auranagzeb ki aulad [ he envies us, he doesn’t have one!] Armed with the panache of a media savoir-faire The synthetic CM simulates the wolf cry All made up, all made up , he is media- manufactured We cry. All made up. Decorated with thousand skulls round his taut neck Like pearls a king flaunts among his subjects But the skulls are breaking fast They will not be dug out from the debris of democracy, [The debris is being flattened by us all!] No luck you say as that crooked King Richard 3rd freshly had? When his skull was ’re’ captured from a car park It was broken into two A sword, I swear, was thrust into his skull [Poetic justice for a loyal brother!] Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown! He killed his nephews but not before kissing them tenderly No kisses and hugs for Miyan bhais ,we know well enough [not even a good bye kiss , you see!] How many more, they ask him 3000 Gujaratis ( ! ) were not enough [four more zeroes and you get teen karod Gujaratis! ] But this time it won’t be a made to order thingy. He grins. Rather I would chalk out a new “G “plan. Listen and quiver, listen and quiver Will be their fate Forever condemned to a sorry state How else, you tell me, to keep ’them’ straight? My media acumen and my media bouncers will tear them to pieces Raj dharm , he winks, I know well. Now I will show them what is Hindu[tva] dharm ka raj The nephews were lucky, they were kissed before death I will make them die [daily] a thousand deaths….. Courtesy:

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